ARES1A.ZIP 60946 01-01-94 Ares is a hypertext authoring system, distributed by UserWare, the makers of Dart and Iris. The Ares runtime is only 32k, but an Ares hypertext can be any length. 25 Monochrome or color display. Network ready. DAHRG.ZIP 28234 02-08-94 Hypertext Reader And Generator 5.2 is A File Viewing Utility That Allows The User to Read Computer Tex. DART2D.ZIP 163121 07-15-93 Hypertext file viewer. Modern desktop environment. Network compatible. View text or ANSI graphics, edit forms, launch programs Automatic table and index of contents. One- pass and conventional searches. EGA/VGA, DOCL11.ZIP 12911 01-01-94 Document Cleaner 1.1. Converts text files to a format that can be viewed on screen, dumped to printer, or loaded into HyperRead Generator for conversion to hypertext. DOSIMP2D.ZIP 39780 12-09-93 DOS SIMPLY v2.0 demonstration version. Includes just a small part of the text of this very in-depth hypertext DOS manual. Written in English, not techno-babble by Sansaska Systems. Text by Kari Jackson. through 6.0. Update planned for 6.1 - 6.3. DTA20A.ZIP 327579 08-22-94 DESKTOP ADVISOR (R) v2.0 -Disk 1 of 2 Create popup hypertext documents with images and sound. Great for manuals, catalogs, job performance aids, other reference materials. Automatically convert existing documentation, Includes Authoring System and Browser. Easily create hyperlinks, search keywords, and more. DTA20B.ZIP 349809 08-22-94 DESKTOP ADVISOR (R) v2.0 -Disk 2 of 2 Create popup hypertext documents with images DVCALNDR.ZIP 7112 08-18-93 Calendar for use in DESQview. DVQUIT.ZIP 20428 08-16-93 Utility to close all files and quit DESQview gracefully. FARVIEW.ZIP 268999 03-04-93 FarView - ONe of the best HYPERTEXT Development Systems available. Organize you text materials for everyday computer work and for training manuals. FREEKJK.ZIP 223789 05-20-94 NEW BOOK NEW BOOK "FOCUSING ON FREEDOM." By Kenneth J Kerr. (Mississauga, Ontario) 200 PAGES of Power-Packed Encouragement ! NEW Motivational Book to Inspire YOU. GRFBK26.ZIP 69079 03-09-93 GRFBook, ver 2.6 Graphics illustrated hypertext-style publishing. Easily MIX TEXT and PCX GRAPHICS on the same page. True paper book emulation for both reader and author HAPLINK3.ZIP 104019 02-03-94 Haplink V 3, Make Hypertext or Program menus Create smart documents. For Mouse. Edit text Pop up boxes /Color wash/ Dissolve effects HCAT11.ZIP 452642 11-24-94* HYPERCAT V1.1 ASP Hypertext catalog/authoring application. Super-easy, hypertext catalog and authoring system. Scrollbar menus that display hyper- text, run external programs, display graphics or more menus. HRG53.ZIP 98107 06-05-94 Hyperread Hypertext Generator Version 5.3. Allows You to Convert Ordinary ASCII Text Files to Hypertext Files. Useful For Electronic Publishers & Shareware Authors. HSHELLA.ZIP 359473 12-29-93 Hypershell v5(1993) asp a versatile fast 1/3 hypertext system with full embedded graphics support, now in 5th year with many corporate clients. Running on most pcs. authoring tools HSHELLB.ZIP 347609 12-29-93 HYPERSHELL v5(1993) File 2 of 3 HSHELLC.ZIP 348501 12-29-93 HYPERSHELL v5(1993) File 3 of 3 HSHELLD.ZIP 290754 12-29-93 HYPERDEX v1.1(1993) A version of the HyperShell hypertext system with support for the creation, maintenance and access of dBase compatible databases. This provides a mixed freetext and structured data storage capability with interesting possibilities HYPER151.ZIP 90170 04-05-94 Hyper document compiler, create linkable docs uses standard text editors. HYPERG5.ZIP 96276 01-23-94 HyperText Generator v5 Create Hypertext Docs HYPGEN51.ZIP 97538 02-10-94 HyperRead hypertext Generator version 5.1. Allows you to convert ordinary ASCII text files to hypertext files. HYPRED42.ZIP 25583 09-26-93 HyperRead hypertext reader version 4.3. Allows you to read hypertext files created with the HyperRead hypertext Generator. HYPRSEE.ZIP 18711 01-05-94 HyperSee - displays in a hypertext format, ASCII text files created with any text editor or word processor which will save in straight ASCII. LASAGNA.ZIP 99009 10-05-93 LASAGNA BBS Mastermind type game door v1.0 ME100693.ZIP 837820 10-06-93 Mystic Earth Roleplaying Game System, latest update. This is a Face To Face Roleplaying game, with its rules put into DART hypertext format for ease of use by the GM. $15 ORPH165A.ZIP 277566 10-28-93 Orpheus 1.65, #1 in hypertext authoring! Make electronic books in a writer-friendly environment. Hypertext word-processor with online help, mouse support, draw mode, more. Link to graphics, import text, play music, launch programs... Easy, classy authoring! Hyperion Softword: $79 shareware. File 1/3. ORPH165B.ZIP 99873 10-28-93 Orpheus 1.65 The documentation 2/3 ORPH165C.ZIP 143458 10-27-93 Orpheus Reader, hypertext reader interface for online books made w/ Orpheus Author. This file includes a demo book and is all you need to get a first look. File 3/3. QKRF11.ZIP 274398 07-16-94 QuikRef v1.1 - Create Multi-media HyperText Lists with up to 1500 Buttons.Each Button can call up a Graphic or a Voice or Music file or Text Information. User definedDEF file gives total control of the presentation. Use for Glossaries, teaching and training drills. SHLP.ZIP 349265 02-26-93 Simply Help! - Create text based hypertext help systems. Stand alone EXE or TSR files. Add help to any program. Includes hypertext editor, compiler, and library for QuickBASIC 4/PDS 7.1 Shareware by Robert E. Pitcher SIMHLP1C.ZIP 345785 07-09-93 Simply Help v1.06 - Create text based hypertext documents & help systems as stand alone EXE or TSR files. w/compiler, much more SIMHLP20.ZIP 316538 10-01-94 Simply Help v2.0 ASP - Create text based hypertext documents & help systems as stand alone EXE or TSR files. Includes complete integrated development environment (IDE) for hypertext. Modify any aspect of your document and instantly "run" it to see the results. THEDESK4.ZIP 98190 04-25-94 The Hypertext Desk v4.0 - the beginner's tutorial to IBM/Compat hypertext. Also DEMO for xText, a hypertext development system. TRUCRIME.ZIP 28599 01-17-93 True Story of Horrifying Crime from the Wild West of today. References included. A must read in hypertext format. UNSEEN11.ZIP 230077 06-19-93 UNSEEN WINGS v1.1 is a Virtual book of timeless poetry. It is a hypertext book. V612DOCS.ZIP 408574 12-23-93 VIRTUAL HYPERTEXT DOCUMENTAION v6-2.0 Program now includes print to screen or to printer. Converts Traditional Document files to Hypertext File automatically. Non-Mouse Functions Defined at start-up. VH15.ZIP 85461 10-19-93 Freeware Hypertext Browser, Designed To Work With The Jargon File, (Jarg300.Zip); Useable By Any Text File Marked With Easy-To-Use Control Characters. Contains Portable C Source Code, And Ms-Dos Executable. Will Use Mouse, But Mouse Is Not Necessary. VISION75.ZIP 360443 10-27-93 Vision v7.5 hypertext reader WP6IMP.ZIP 26818 12-03-93 Word Perfect 6.0 import filter for Pagemaker 5.0.